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Ultimate streamlit cheatsheet for 2023


Here is the cheatsheet that every streamlit beginner needs to know. In this cheatsheet, I have covered the basic to advanced topics.

Ultimate streamlit cheatsheet for 2023

For basic tasks

Installation and streamlit

For installing just simply use pip command. Here is how.

> pip install streamlit

To keep simple we import streamlit as st. Let me show you how.

import streamlit as st


For adding subheader

st.subheader("A subtitle")


This is for adding a paragraph in web page

st.text("Some text")


You can simple add markdown to your page by this method.

st.markdown("# Some Markdown")

Displaying Data

dataframe and table is used to just simply display a dataframe in tabular form.

st.table(my_data, width=800, title="Title of sample data")

Width of the table is specified in pixels.

Displaying Images

Here is the sample code for displaying images.

# Load image from URL
image_url = ""
st.image(image_url, caption='Example image')

# Load image from local file
image_file = "path/to/image.png"
st.image(image_file, caption='Example image', width=300)

In streamlit, we can specify caption and width of image. We can also add alt text by just simply adding alt parameter to it. But still you can use caption as an alternative to it.

Displaying Videos

Here is the sample code for running videos.

# Load video from URL
video_url = "", width=500)

# Load video from local file
video_file = "path/to/video.mp4", width=500)

Displaying Audio

Here is the sample code to add audio file in the web page.

audio_file = open('my_audio.mp3', 'rb')
audio_bytes =, format='audio/mp3')

Displaying Interactive Charts

Here is how to add add charts.


Displaying Selectable Options

This is same as select tag and checkbox input in html.

option = st.selectbox("Select an option", my_options)
checkbox = st.checkbox("Check me!")

Input Forms

Here is some other input options for beginners.

text_input = st.text_input("Enter some text")
number_input = st.number_input("Enter a number")
date_input = st.date_input("Enter a date")
time_input = st.time_input("Enter a time")
file_input = st.file_uploader("Upload a file")


button_clicked = st.button("Click me!", on_click=my_func)

Displaying Progress

Here is how to show spinner for some heavy computation.

with st.spinner("Loading..."):
    # Do some heavy computation

Adding Layout and styles

Layout Configuration

the page_title argument is set to "My App" and the page_icon argument is set to ":smiley:", which will display a smiley face icon in the browser tab.

st.set_page_config(page_title="My App", page_icon=":smiley:")

App Layout

Here is how you can add columns in streamlit.

col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
    st.header("Column 1")
    st.write("Some data")
with col2:
    st.header("Column 2")
    st.write("Some more data")

You can add more than two columns.

Styling Text

Streamlit allows you to select font and also specify the sixe of font and text colour.

st.write("This is some text", font=("Arial", 16), text_color="blue")

Styling Buttons

key is same as id of the button. The help will show a popup text that will display when the user hovers.

st.button("Click me!", key="my_button", help="This is a button")

Styling Containers

Here is the sample code for adding an individual container in streamlit.

with st.container():
    st.write("This is inside a container")

Adding Icons

Hwre is how to add icons. You just simply have to add :<ICON_NAME>: in text

st.write(":chart_with_upwards_trend: Some text")

Some Advanced features


def load_data():
    # Load data from a remote source
    return my_data

Streamlit Sharing

import streamlit as st
import as st_analytics

Send an event to Google Analytics

st_analytics.event("Event Name", "Event Value")

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